Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 2 getting to know each other

Hello everybody! The second day of our project has been awesome so far! :) The day begun with introductions, games and rules. Each country had prepared a name game, and they were all very fun and entertaining to play.  The game prepared by Romanians was especially helpful with learning all names. The game we personally liked the best was carried out by Italians. All other games were awesome too - Slovanians for example had prepared an interesting hat-throwing-name game. After games we all sat together and discussed the rules we should be following during the project - most importantly respect, positiveness and punctuality. :) After the deicious lunch (!!!) we had another fun activity - Estonian group had prepared a fun game in a nearby city Tõrva. All participants were divided into small groups and were given different tasks to complete in the city, and also we had to take a picture of each task. The most important task was to take different pictures of animals we saw on our way and in the city. We had a lot of fun talking to local people and walking 5 km to Tõrva. Weather was lovely, and we saw a lot of grass and forest. After coming back with bus from Tõrva, we spent our time until dinner playing different sports, for example volleyball and basketball. The dinner was also delicious, and now we are waiting for our last activity for the day - games and welcome party! That will be all from us today. See ya!!! ;:)))

Greete, Jasmina and Kristina

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